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How to find a Clinical Supervisor in Canada

How to Find a Clinical Supervisor in Canada

As a therapist, receiving regular clinical supervision is necessary to continue building your skills and maintain competent in your practice. As most regulatory bodies consider clinical supervision as an ethical obligation, therapists, like yourself, search for a clinical supervisor frequently.

However, one of the challenges about clinical supervision is finding a clinical supervisor that fits your theoretical orientation and practices in your province or territory. Unfortunately, compared to the number of therapists, there are fewer clinical supervisors providing supervision in Canada. As many clinical supervisors provide supervision on a part-time basis while working an agency job, there isn’t always an easy way to find clinical supervisors as they don’t have a website. And those clinical supervisors who do have a website, do not always include their clinical supervision services on their website which can make it difficult finding a clinical supervisor, especially one that’s a good fit for your learning goals.

So, how can you find clinical supervisors in Canada who are experienced, qualified, and a good fit? You can search clinical supervisors on the Canadian Clinical Supervision therapist directory designed specifically for therapists to connect with clinical supervisors across the country.

The Canadian Clinical Supervision Therapist Directory

A common issue for therapists is finding a clinical match with a supervisor. As a therapist, you want to gain the knowledge and skills in the modalities that best fits you and your practice. With the Canadian Clinical Supervision therapist directory, you can easily find the best matched clinical supervisor for your professional growth needs just by searching through clinical supervisor profiles on the platform. The Canadian Clinical Supervision therapist directory is designed to be a centralized place for you to find the right clinical supervisor to help you build new skills, grow as a therapist, and transform your practice all while maintaining your ethical obligations.

Find a Clinical Supervisor in Canada

Finding a clinical supervisor on the Canadian Clinical Supervision therapist directory is easy as saying one, two, three. 

Step 1: Identify Your Learning Needs

Before you start your search, identify which skills, approaches and/or modalities that you’re interested in enhancing. As each clinical supervisor works from a different theoretical orientation and uses various therapeutic modalities, knowing which framework you want to build upon can be helpful when choosing the right clinical supervisor.

Step 2: Assess Clinical Supervisor Listings

Now, that you have a clear idea of the skills, approaches and/or modalities that you’d like to hone in on, it’s time to check out clinical supervisor profiles for alignment. On the Canadian Clinical Supervision therapist directory, clinical supervisors list their specialities, therapeutic modalities, years of experience, approach to supervision and other important information to help you determine if working with them is a good fit.

Step 3: Reach out to a Clinical Supervisor 

Finally, once you find a clinical supervisor who aligns with your professional goals, reach out to them and book a meet and greet. Some clinical supervisors provide free 15-minute consultations so you can learn more about them and their practice, while others charge for their time. Fortunately, clinical supervisor profiles on the Canadian Clinical Supervision therapist directory allow for detailed descriptions of the clinical supervisor’s experience, qualifications and approach to supervision, regardless if you want to book a consultation.


Finding the right clinical supervisor is important for your clinical growth. So, having a centralized place like the Canadian Clinical Supervision therapist directory where you can find experienced, qualified and modality-aligned supervisors is paramount. With so many great choices, the only question you’ll have is who do you choose? Although I’m biased, I believe that the Canadian Clinical Supervision therapist directory is Canada’s best directory for matching Canadian therapists with clinical supervisors.

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3 Clinical Supervision Trainings in Canada

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