How to Become a Clinical Social Worker in Alberta
If you’re a registered social worker in Alberta, you might be wondering how you can become a clinical social worker.
In Alberta, the practice of social work is regulated under the Health Professions Act and is governed by the Alberta College of Social Workers (ACSW). In Alberta, social workers may hold one or both social work designations known as the Registered Social Worker (RSW) designation and Registered Clinical Social Worker (RCSW) designation. However, most social workers registered with the ACSW are RSWs.
To become a clinical social worker (RCSW) in Alberta, RSWs must meet certain requirements to be recognized as social workers with “advance standing in clinical social work practice.” (Alberta College of Social Workers, n.d.). This article is an interpretative review on how to become a clinical social worker in Alberta.
Please be advised that this article is not written on behalf of or for ACSW and it has not been reviewed, approved or endorsed by ACSW in any way. See full disclaimer below.
What is a Clinical Social Worker?
While in some jurisdictions calling oneself a clinical social worker depends on whether you have experience in clinical practice as a social worker. In Alberta, the title Clinical Social Worker or Registered Clinical Social Worker are protected titles under the Health Professions Act and are reserved for social workers who met specific educational, practice and supervision requirements.
In Alberta, the benefits of becoming a RCSW include being permitted to call yourself a Clinical Social Worker and use the RCSW title. In addition, there are certain third-party insurers such as the Non-Insured Health Benefits (NIHB) that require social workers in Alberta to be an RCSWs for the provision of therapy services to individuals covered under this benefit. In saying this, most third-party insurers accept social workers with an RSW designation. Also, through the designation as clinical social workers they are recognized as being qualified to use the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) to make a mental health diagnosis (Canadian Association of Social Workers, n.a.). Finally, RCSWs can apply to be an Approved Clinical Social Work Supervisor for other RCSW applicants (Alberta College of Social Workers, n.d.).
To become a Clinical Social Worker in Alberta, you must meet eligibility requirements. Currently, these include the following requirements:
- Completed a master’s in social work from an accredited social work program.
- Completed all coursework requirements as outline by the ACSW.
- Completed the necessary direct practice and supervision requirements.
- Be a social worker in good standing with the ACSW or your current regulatory body. (Alberta College of Social Workers, 2020, February).
Contrary to popular belief, the clinical registry is a voluntary registry and you are not required to be an RCSW to provide therapeutic or clinical intervention as a social worker in Alberta. Similarly, clinical supervisors are not required to hold the RCSW credential to provide clinical supervision to RSWs across the province. However, if you intend to become a Clinical Social Worker in Alberta, finding an RCSW clinical supervisor would be wise as this can jumpstart your supervision hours as you work towards obtaining the designation.
Application Streams to Become a Clinical Social Worker in Alberta
According to the ACSWs Clinical Registry Policy and Procedures Manual, there are three streams that you can take to become a Clinical Social Worker in Alberta: the Pre-Supervision stream, Post Supervision stream and the Porting stream. In this section, we’ll briefly discuss the requirements for each.
The Pre-Supervision stream is designated for new MSW graduates with little to no post-MSW direct practice in clinical social work (Alberta College of Social Workers, n.d.). In this stream, social workers are not required to have their supervision hours completed before applying to the Clinical Registry, but they must have their supervision hours completed before being approved to take the ASWB Clinical Exam (Alberta College of Social Workers, 2021). Once approved, applicants must successfully pass the exam in order to join the registry.
The Post Supervision stream is “for experienced clinicians, who have a minimum of five years of post-MSW clinical practice, supervision and experience” (Alberta College of Social Workers, n.d.). In this stream, social workers must have all coursework and supervision hours completed before applying to the clinical registry. Upon completion, the social worker must pass the ASWB Clinical Exam (Alberta College of Social Workers, 2021).
Finally, the Porting stream is specifically for social workers who have already been designated a Clinical Social Worker from another jurisdiction, such as Registered Clinical Social Workers in British Columbia or Licensed Clinical Social Workers in the United States. (Alberta College of Social Workers, n.d.). For a clinical social worker to be recognized by the ACSW, they must have already completed the ASWB Clinical Exam in order gain Clinical Social Worker status.
Clinical Social Work Supervisor Requirements
RCSW candidates are required to complete 1600 hours of direct clinical practice and to obtain a minimum of 100 clinical supervision hours before approval to the clinical registry (Alberta College of Social Workers, 2021). Although, 50 of the 100 hours must be provided directly by an approved Clinical Supervisor on Record, the remaining clinical supervision hours may be provided individually, dyadically, in group, or by case consultation by an other approved supervisor (ACSW, 2020, February, p. 8-9), who isn’t necessarily an RCSW. If you’re looking for an Approved Clinical Supervisor, you can check out the ACSW website or search through the Canadian Clinical Supervision Therapist Directory for an Alberta clinical supervisor by clicking here.
Become an Approved ACSW Clinical Social Work Supervisor
Once you’re an RCSW, you have the option of applying to become an Approved Clinical Social Work Supervisor. Approved Clinical Social Work Supervisors are clinical supervisors that have pre-qualified to become a Clinical Supervisor of Record for the Pre-supervision stream.
According to the ACSW Clinical Registry Policy and Procedures Manual, to become an Approved ACSW Clinical Social Work Supervisor, social workers must have met the following criteria prior to the application process:
- Be a member of the ACSW clinical registry
- Completed a minimum of 5 years of clinical social work experience post-MSW
- Completed a minimum of 30 hours of clinical supervision coursework or training within the last 3 years,
- Provided a minimum of 100 hours of clinical social work supervision in the last 3 years,
- Received a minimum of 15 hours of supervision by a mental health professional within the last 3 years (Alberta College of Social Workers, 2020, February).
Clinical Supervision in Alberta
You might be wondering, “Do I need to be an RCSW to provide clinical supervision in Alberta?”
The answer is no.
Although, ACSW has an Approved Clinical Social Work Supervisor roster, this is specifically for pre-approved Clinical Social Work Supervisors who have been granted automatic approval to become a Clinical Supervisor on Record for social workers working towards the pre-supervision stream for the RCSW designation.
As ongoing supervision is an ethical requirement, social work students as well as RSWs on the provisional and general registry also need access to regular clinical supervision. As there are few clinical social workers in Alberta, relying solely on RCSWs to provide clinical supervision would be a significant barrier for social workers. In Alberta, the act of providing clinical supervision is not a protected act. Providing a clinical supervisor is competent to provide clinical supervision, social workers may provide clinical supervision without needing permission or prior approval from the ACSW.
RCSW Cost Consideration
If you are planning to become a clinical social worker in Alberta, an important consideration is the increase cost obtaining and maintaining the designation. In this section, I’ll breakdown the cost differences between the RSW and RCSW designation as of 2024.
One-time Upfront Cost:
- Clinical Registry Application Fee: $100 CAD
- ASWB Clinical Exam: $260 USD
- ASWB Clinical Exam Prep Materials (Optional): $50 – $300+ USD
- Approved Clinical Social Worker Application Fee: $100 CAD
Additional Annual Cost (Compared to the RSW Annual Registration Requirements):
- Receive 10 hours of clinical supervision – $0 to $1500+ CAD
- Additional 10 hours of continuing competency – $0 – $500+ CAD
- RCSW Annual Registration Rate: $50 CAD
Although, there are additional costs to become an RCSW, depending on your current work situation and career aspirations the benefits to become a clinical social worker may outweigh the costs.
Overall, there are many benefits and considerations when deciding to become a clinical social worker in Alberta. If you’re ready to take the next step and become an RCSW, check out the ACSW website by clicking here to learn more about their application process and upcoming deadlines. If you’re still considering your options, why not search for a clinical supervisor who already has the designation so that you’re working towards your goals, especially if you’re already paying out-of-pocket for clinical supervision. To find a clinical supervisor in Alberta check out the Canadian Clinical Supervisor therapist directory.
Disclaimer #1
Please be advised that this article is not written on behalf of or for ACSW and it has not been reviewed, approved, or endorsed by ACSW in any way. This is an interpretative review of available ACSW Clinical Registry information. This article should not be considered as advice with respect to ACSWs clinical registration or its renewal process. If you have any questions about ACSW’s clinical registry and/or RCSW registration process, please direct them to the ACSW.
Disclaimer #2
Please be advised that this article is for educational and informational purposes only and is not intended to be professional advice. Please note that information in this article is only relevant up to the date it was written and is subject to change depending on regulatory or legislative changes.
Alberta College of Social Workers. (n.d.). Clinical registry. Retrieved from https://www.acsw.ab.ca/site/rcsw?nav=sidebar
Alberta College of Social Workers. (2020, February). Clinical registry: Policy and procedures. Retrieved from https://acsw.ab.ca/uploaded/web/Clinical%20Registry%20Forms/ACSW_ClinicalRegistryPolicyProcedures_20200221.pdf
Alberta College of Social Workers. (2021). Achieving the Credential towards Advanced Practice: Webinar. Retrieved from https://www.acsw.ab.ca/site/rcsw?nav=sidebar
Canadian Association of Social Workers. (n.d.). 11.1 Frequently Asked Questions. Retrieved from https://www.casw-acts.ca/en/111-frequently-asked-questions#:~:text=Clinical%20Social%20Workers%20hold%20advanced,make%20a%20mental%20health%20diagnosis.