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How it works

Discover & Connect

Using our platform is easy! Follow these 3 simple steps:


Find a Canadian Clinical Supervisor

Browse our directory to find qualified clinical supervisors across Canada. Filter by location, area of expertise, or credentials to find the perfect match.


Contact Supervisors

Once you’ve found a supervisor, contact them directly through our platform to discuss your needs and schedule sessions.



Create Your Own Listing

Are you a clinical supervisor? Create a listing to showcase your expertise and connect with professionals seeking supervision. Simply sign up, build your profile, and get listed!


Popular Questions

Make the best of your profile with our FAQ section.

Getting Started
What is the Canadian Clinical Supervision therapist directory?

The Canadian Clinical Supervision therapist directory is a directory designed to help therapists and allied health professionals connect with clinical supervisors and clinical consultants across Canada.

For therapists looking for a clinical supervisor or consultant, the platform is free to search listings.

For clinical supervisors or consultants looking to list on our platform, we offer low-cost monthly and yearly subscription rates to sign up for a listing.

I've signed up for an account, but I haven't paid for my subscription yet. Can I create a profile listing without paying for a subscription?

The first step for creating a profile listing on our platform is to create an account. When you sign up for an account your profile status is set to "subscriber." A subscriber status does not have the capabilities to create or post your profile listing. 

Once you've paid for your subscription, your profile will automatically change to "Listing Author." The Listing Author status gives you a new tab called "My Listing." The My Listing Tab is where you publish your profile on the directory.

How do I pay for my subscription? (Step-by-Step Instructions)

Before you can create or post your profile listing, you'll need to pay for your subscription.

If you're unsure if you've paid for your subscription, an easy way to determine this is by your account status.

If your profile lists you as a "subscriber" this means you have not yet paid for your subscription, and do not have the "My Listing" tab which is required to post your listing.

If your profile lists you as an "Listing Author" you are on either the monthly or annual payment plan and able to create a profile listing through the "My Listing" tab in your dashboard.

Steps for Processing Payment

Step 1:

Click on the dropdown next to the image icon & click dashboard.

Step 2:

From your dashboard, click the subscriber button.

Step 3:

Next, click on "Membership Plans."

Step 4:

Choose your subscription plan.

Step 5:

Next, you should receive a green check mark with "[Monthly or Yearly] Membership plan has been added to your cart."

At this stage, if you have a coupon code you can add it here. The amount of your coupon code should then show in the cart totals. Then, scroll down the Proceed 

Common Errors at this Stage

Common Error #1: Adding Product to Cart Error

If you receive a red exclamation mark stating "You can't order a product along with membership package," this means you have left a membership in your cart from a previous attempt.

To fix this issue, remove the item in both the main cart as well as in the blue cart on the right hand side of the page (as described in image below). Once the items are removed in both place, click on the dropdown box on the top right hand corner, press dashboard and go through the steps listed above again. This time your product should be added successfully.

Common Error 2: Coupon Code Error

If you try to add a coupon code to your order but you receive a "Coupon [Coupon Name] does not exist!" This means that the coupon has expired and is no longer available.

However, if you believe that you've received this message in error and that the coupon code should exist, please email us at [email protected] because from time-to-time there are technological issues on our end.

Common Error 3: Coupon Code Error

Another common issue is registrants trying to add more than more coupon code to a subscription. Our platform only allows one coupon per registrant. So if you have access to more than one coupon, we suggest using the best coupon as coupons cannot be used concurrently.

Step 6:

Next, complete your billing information

Step 7:

Then, complete your payment through PayPal. When you click on PayPal, you have the option to pay with PayPal directly or with a credit card.

We've also created a step-by-step video tutorial teaching you how to process your payment. To watch this video, scroll down to the video tutorial section of this help guide.

How do I publish my profile listing for public view? (Step-by-Step Instructions)

Once you've paid for your listing, your account will automatically change to become a "Listing Author." Listing Authors have a tab called "My Listing," which is where you create and publish your listing. Below are the steps to successfully publish your listing.

Step 1:

First click on your dashboard

Step 2:

Click on "My Listings"

Step 3:

As you're setting up a new listing, it will say "You have no listings yet," click on the white coloured "Add Listing" and then the listing will pop up.

Step 4:

Fill out your listing and press save changes.

Please note that you'll receive a notification if there required fields left blank. The listing will not save until all required fields have been completed.

For a video tutorial how to fill complete your profile. Please scroll down to the Video Tutorial Section of this Help Guide and click on "Profile Listing Tutorial."

Common Error to Avoid:

One of the most common error with successfully publishing a listing is using the "My Profile" section instead creating the listing in the "My Listings" tab.

For this directory, the "Edit Profile" section is your account information, and is not publicly posted.

To successfully publish your listing for public view, you must create a listing in the "My Listings" section in your dashboard.

How do I edit/delete my profile listing? (Step-by-Step Instructions)

As a Listing Author, you can edit or delete your profile at anytime through the "My Listing" tab. Below are the steps to edit or delete you profile listing.

Step 1:

First click on your dashboard

Step 2:

Click on "My Listings"

Step 3:

Your existing listing will display. 

To edit your listing, click on the blue pencil icon.

To delete your listing, click pink trashcan icon.

If you delete your profile, you can start a new listing by clicking on the white "Add listing" button.

Common Error to Avoid:

One of the most common errors is updating the "My Profile" section instead editing the listing in the "My Listings" tab.

For this directory, the "Edit Profile" section is your account information, and is not publicly visible.

To successfully edit your listing for public view, you must update your listing in the "My Listings" section in your dashboard.

How do I optimize my profile listing for the best possible results?

This is a great question! It's one thing to set up a listing, it's an entirely different thing to set up a listing that is optimized so that you reach and attract more prospective supervisees.

We've created a detailed article that discusses the key elements of a Canadian Clinical Supervision therapist directory listing and how you can make the most of each section. We also provide additional optimization tips at the end of the article for additional listing enhancement.

Click here to read our article How to Optimize Your Canadian Clinical Supervision Therapist Directory Listing.

How do I remove the image on the top right hand corner once I've logged into my account? (Step-by-Step Instructions)

Once you've created your account, there will be a placeholder image on the top right hand corner of the page. You can change this image before or after you pay for your subscription.

Below are instructions to remove the image and replace it with your own:

Step 1: 

Click on the dropdown next to the image icon and click dashboard.

Step 2:

Click on the "Edit Profile" button on the left hand corner.

Step 3:

Scroll down the page to the image, remove the placeholder image and replace it with your own. Then save changes.

Can I create more than one listing?

Absolutely! Our platform allows you to create more than one listing without having to pay more than one membership.

To set up a second listing, just click "Add Listing" in the "My Listing" section of your dashboard (even if you have one already created).

Having more than one listing can help you list your services across multiple provinces or territories in Canada. As each profile only allows up to 3 provinces to be added per listing, if you provide clinical supervision or clinical consultation in more than three provinces you can create another listing to show up in other provinces. 

Also, you may wish to create two listings: one under your practice name, and another under your personal name. 

We allow creativity in using this feature as our goal is for you to successfully advertise your clinical supervision and/or clinical consultation services.

However, we ask that you use the multiple listing feature respectfully and we reserve the right to delete listings if multiple listings spam our platform.

Sales Questions
I’ve used a coupon code for my subscription. Will my subscription price ever increase?

It depends on the type of coupon code that you’ve used upon signup. Some coupon codes are continuous or “lifetime” discount codes.

A "lifetime" discount codes remain active for up to 100 years or until the subscription is cancelled. While other continuous discount codes may have a prescribed end-date. For example, a coupon code may be a discounted rate for (3) months or one (1) year.

If your coupon code has a time constraint, your price will increase once the promotional price is completed.

However, if you’ve used a “lifetime” coupon code, such as the discount code for Founding Members rate, your subscription will remain the same price for as long as you continue your subscription or up to a maximum of 100 years.

However, if you cancel your continuous or “lifetime” subscription at any time, you will be cancelling your discounted rate. If you decide to rejoin in the future, you will sign up at our regular rate.

There was an issue with my recent payment. Can you help me?

We are sorry to hear that there was an issue with your payment. We will certainly look into the issue and help fix the issue.

Email us at [email protected] detailing your issue. Please note that it could take 2-3 (Canadian) business days to receive a reply. But we aim to support you as quickly as possible.

However, please note that as payments are processed directly through PayPal, some payment issues may need to be resolved directly through PayPal.

Also, if you are looking to cancel your subscription, please follow PayPal's helpful instructions for cancellation.

We've also created a step-by-step Subscription Cancellation Tutorial found in the Video Tutorial section of this help guide.

I provide clinical supervision and/or consultation to Canadian therapists but I do not currently reside in Canada. Can I list on the directory?

We require all clinical supervisors and clinical consultants who list on our platform to provide services to Canadian therapists.

If you provide such services to Canadian therapists, but you are located outside of Canada, you may still list on our platform.

However, we request that you are transparent about your credentials and your country residence on your profile listing.

What is the refund policy?

We do not provide refunds on subscriptions. If you sign up for the monthly subscription, you can cancel your subscription at any time, prior to your monthly renewal date. However, we do not refund any days remaining between your cancellation date and your monthly renewal date.

If you sign up for an annual subscription you are signing up for a one (1) year subscription. If you wish to have your profile removed prior to your annual renewal date, you will not be refunded for any days, weeks, or months remaining between your cancellation date and your renewal date.

Please note that as cancellations are completed directly through PayPal, PayPal's recommendation is to cancel your subscription at least one day before the date your subscription is scheduled to renew to avoid a charge.

To learn how to cancel your subscription, please watch the Subscription Cancellation video tutorial in the video tutorial section of this help guide or follow PayPal's written step-by-step guide by clicking the link below:

Once I sign up, can I cancel at any time?

Definitely! If you are paying a monthly subscription, you can cancel your membership any time before your monthly renewal date.

However, if you sign up for the annual subscription, your subscription will be active for one (1) year. If you want your profile removed, for any reason, before your subscription expires, please send us an email at [email protected] and we’ll ensure your profile gets removed.

Please note that if you cancel your annual subscription early, you will not receive a refund for any remaining months.

How can I update my credit card on file?

All payment processing and subscriptions is done through PayPal. 

We recommend following this guide:

Or you can follow our Subscription Cancellation video tutorial in the Video Tutorial section of this help guide.

How can I cancel my subscription?

Payment processing and subscriptions is handles through PayPal.

To cancel a subscription please visit PayPal's cancellation guide:

We've also created a step-by-step video tutorial in the Video Tutorial section of this help guide.

Clinical Supervisors & Consultants
I’m a part-time Canadian clinical supervisor and/or consultant, should I join the directory?

We believe the Canadian Clinical Supervision directory is a great way to advertise your available clinical supervision or consultation spaces, even if you provide it on a part-time basis.

We’ve learned that one of the challenges that many clinical supervisors and consultants face when offering clinical supervision is actually being found by therapists who are looking for such services. Our directory helps narrow this gap and help you get found easily through a low-cost listing.

Also, think of it this way, depending on how much you charge per supervision session, if you only get 2 clinical supervision or consultation spaces filled all year you’ve made your money back (and then some).

I don’t have a private practice and/or website. Can I still advertise my clinical supervision on the Canadian Clinical Supervision therapist directory?

Absolutely! To get listed on our directory all you need is an email, to set up your account, and a way for therapists to connect with you through your listing, such as providing your email or phone number. Although having a website is an asset, it is not required to list with us.

I’m a therapist searching for a clinical supervisor or consultant, do I have to pay to search through listings in the directory?

Nope, it’s free! There’s no cost for therapists to search for clinical supervisors or consultants on our platform.

We charge clinical supervisors and consultants a subscription fee to be listed on our site, but as a therapist, you pay nothing!

I’ve found a clinical supervisor on the platform. But they have not return my email/phone call. Can you reach out to them for me?

As we are directory, we provide the convenience of therapists and clinical supervisors finding each other. However, we do not engage in the (potential) relationships between clinical supervisors or consultants and therapists.

If you are having difficulty reaching a clinical supervisor or consultant, we suggest that you continue to search through the directory for another clinical supervisor or consultant who is a fit (and who returns your email/phone call).

Do you verify clinical supervisor or consultant listings before they are listed in the directory?

Due to capacity, we do not verify or “vet” clinical supervisor or consultants listings in the directory, this includes credentials, education, or registration number.

It’s best practice to cross-check any clinical supervisor or consultant with their regulatory boards professional database. For any regulated profession, most regulatory bodies in Canada have a public database that you can search the clinical supervisor or consultant's name and registration number.

I’ve found a clinical supervisor or consultant listing that appears suspicious. Should I flag it?

Yes! Please flag any suspicious clinical supervisor listings by clicking the "report" button or by email at [email protected]. In your email, please include the name of the person on the flagged listing.

Video Tutorials
Payment Processing Tutorial

This video tutorial guides you through the subscription payment process:

Publishing a Listing Tutorial

This video tutorial guides you through how to publish your profile listing:

Subscription Cancellation Tutorial

This video tutorial teaches you how to cancel your Canadian Clinical Supervision Therapist Directory profile subscription through PayPal.


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